This is a course designed to reaffirm the skills already mastered as a PCP and will provide the beginnings to proficiency in ALS skills that will develop the progression of learning and integration into the students role as an ACP.
This Physical Examination Course is designed to help students learn the intricate functions of the human body. The student will learn to perform physical examinations when working with patients who are in different states of physical, mental, and emotional health. A thorough physical examination is a requirement when forming a relevant clinical diagnosis. The history obtained from our patients will guide us to our preliminary diagnosis. The preliminary diagnosis then directs our examination to the effected systems. The history also defines the urgency of treatments or interventions to be performed.
Pregnancy, labor and delivery is a life-changing experience for a mother and her family unit. The majority of pregnancies progress in a predictable, natural manner. However, there is the potential for life-threatening complications for the woman and fetus. Prompt recognition and treatment of these complications is essential. A paramedic can expect to encounter women in all stages of pregnancy, labor and delivery. The focus of this course will be on complications related to obstetrics. However, it must be emphasized that the majority of pregnancies are uneventful and require no intervention. It is essential to become familiar with the normal progression of pregnancy, labor, and delivery, so the abnormal can be quickly recognized. Timely and appropriate intervention can have lifelong benefits for Mom and baby.
Paramedics On-line is a place to sit back, relax, and enjoy some friendly chat with your classmates and instructional team. Share your thoughts and daily challenges, and keep track of the latest news in the Portage College Paramedic Program