This is the first nursing course of the diploma practical nurse program, and in it several concepts and processes are introduced. These concepts are further developed and applied throughout the diploma practical nurse program.
The course introduces the learner to nursing by exploring health care in Canada, the history of nursing, and the evolving role of the practical nurse. Values, ethics, legalities, and legislation that affect nursing practice in Alberta are also introduced. The learner will relate the roles and responsibilities of the practical nurse to the mandate of the professional association, professional code of ethics and standards of practice. The nursing metaparadigm and nursing theory are explained as major concepts in nursing. Learners learn the holistic approach to client-centered care. Critical thinking skills are developed as the learner applies nursing knowledge to the delivery of quality, safe nursing care.
This is the introductory course of the Practical Nurse Program. Students will explore current nursing theory, with a focus on the McGill Model. The challenges of providing care for the caregiver, rural nursing, history of nursing, legal and ethical aspects of nursing will be included. The emphasis will be placed on health promotion and disease prevention. This course includes theory and laboratory work.
This course provides a theoretical foundation for future nursing courses. It will also assist students in developing the knowledge required to provide ethical nursing care and contribute effectively to the healthcare team.