The post-graduate micro credential in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for Leadership is for any individual who wishes to obtain foundational knowledge and skills to create and maintain positive and inclusive organizational climates, improve self-awareness, and empower staff. Emphasis is placed on leadership as a set of skills that encourage, motivate, and empower others as opposed to being a specific managerial role.

In Badge 3: Inclusive, Responsive, and Equitable Leadership, learners examine the ways in which individuals can act as leaders for DEI through allyship, advocacy, acknowledgement of power and privilege, and focusing on accessibility for all.

The post-graduate micro credential in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for Leadership is for any individual who wishes to obtain foundational knowledge and skills to create and maintain positive and inclusive organizational climates, improve self-awareness, and empower staff. Emphasis is placed on leadership as a set of skills that encourage, motivate, and empower others as opposed to being a specific managerial role.

In Badge 4: Organizational Planning and Accountability, learners examine the ways organizations can promote and assess DEI initiatives and programs, use benchmarking tools like the Meyer DEI Spectrum Tool to identify current organizational progress on DEI, and create a personal action plan to elevate minority voices in organizations.