This Physical Examination Course is designed to help students learn the intricate functions of the human body. The student will learn to perform physical examinations when working with patients who are in different states of physical, mental, and emotional health. A thorough physical examination is a requirement when forming a relevant clinical diagnosis. The history obtained from our patients will guide us to our preliminary diagnosis. The preliminary diagnosis then directs our examination to the effected systems. The history also defines the urgency of treatments or interventions to be performed.

Biology is the study of life and living systems from the molecular level to the biosphere. Through the study of biology, learners are given an opportunity to explore and understand the natural world and to become aware of the profound influence of biology in their lives. Students further develop their ability to ask questions, investigate and experiment; to gather, analyze and assess scientific information; and to test scientific laws and principles and their applications.

This course is best viewed using Google Chrome.

This is a course designed to reaffirm the skills already mastered as a PCP and will provide the beginnings to proficiency in ALS skills that will develop the progression of learning and integration into the students role as an ACP.

This is the introductory course of the Practical Nurse Program. Students will explore current nursing theory, with a focus on the McGill Model. The challenges of providing care for the caregiver, rural nursing, history of nursing, legal and ethical aspects of nursing will be included. The emphasis will be placed on health promotion and disease prevention. This course includes theory and laboratory work.

This course provides a theoretical foundation for future nursing courses. It will also assist students in developing the knowledge required to provide ethical nursing care and contribute effectively to the healthcare team.